Ilmu Panduan Hidup

Bangunlah para warga
Berazam ingin maju
Pastikanlah berilmu
Kerana masa muka
Cekallah berkembara
Bertikat jaya pasti
Untuk nusa dan bangsa
Bukti cinta abadi
Duhai warga belia
Bersamalah berbakti
Bina tradisi murni
SMJ takhta jaya
Berilmu dan berjasa
Berdisiplin bersatu
Tegakkan cita-cita
Ilmu panduan hidup

Smart School Song

Wo wo wo
Wo wo wo
Together we are here
Holding hand we face the world
We share the laughs and tears
Doing our best to be the best
Let's hear in her and me
Very loving we all shall be
We try our best to be the shining star
The future in our hands

Be strong, be kind, be fair
Together we chart our way
We use our hearts and minds
We learn through ICT
Smart school you're in our hearts
We promise we'll make you proud
For the love of Malaysia
Together we stand as one

Boys: La la la la la la } 2x
Girls: Do do do do do do do do } 2x
We try our best to be the shining star
Smart school you are the best

Be strong, be kind, be fair
Together we chart our way
We use our hearts and minds
We learn through ICT
Smart school you're in our hearts
We promise we'll make you proud
For the love of Malaysia
One nation together we stand as one
Together we stand as one